Chatting in the office, we realised that one of our own was soon to celebrate a significant birthday. Lunch wa

s obviously in order, but with the pickings a little thin in Chatswood, and the fact that we had tried most available places, where would we go? After a little brainstorming, we came up with Rocket Fine Dining

Restaurant. It is

quite an unobtrusive restaurant, set just above street level, close to the station so it is one of those places you

walk past every day, know its there, but as you can’t just peek in, you’re not sure what a quiet little gem it is. We checked the website, and soon realised that we were on the right track. Just like our beautiful “B”, who’s birthday it was, it seemed elegant, understated, and very good quality! All agreed very quickly (th

ere are many enthusiastic foo

dies in my

office) and a booking w

as made. The day arrived and we were

greeted at the door immediately by the maitre d and then wisked through the tasteful and understated decor of the main dining room, to a bright private room glassed off from the main area, and with huge windows looking over the streetscape. The restaurant had a lovely calm ambience, and surprisingly, had three large groups dining there today (a Tuesday). As each person trickled in, they were attended to immediately. Each was seated, drinks ordered and poured, menus out all at a very attentive and swift pace. We all checked for what we would order, then presented our gift to B, and whilst lively laughter ensued, we made our lunch decisions. The menu was quite

compact, but nicely balanced. As the meals started to arrive, there was a hush of anticipation, amongst us we had ordered a Warm Salad of Beef Cheeks and Roasted Beetroot, with Rocket, Sweet P

otato Crisps and Beetroot Jelly. That looked and tasted sensational. I was sorely tempted by this but ended up with the Angus Beef, with a Confit of Potato and Horseradish Cream, done medium rare. Perfect. "BBB" (not to be confused with "B") had Roasted Flinders Island leg of Lamb with Desiree Potato and Green Olive Salsa, another winner. MOS

T had the Roasted farm Barramundi with Mushroom and Herb Salad, Leek Puree and Red Wind Dressing. I think it was a toss up between the Beef Cheeks and Barramundi being the best meal myself but all meals were great and not a skerrick wa

s left on any of the plates. We added some Darling Mills Mesclun salad and the mains were complete. The service was attentive and on-th- ball (which isn't always a given, but SHOULD be in a Fine Dining Restaurant), all dishes were cleared and once again menus appeared. Not all could fit in dessert, but some of us challenged ourselves (he he he). The "mad greek" had a baked Vanilla Custard and Blueberry Puree with Sable Biscuit and Lemon Sorbet. That looked divine an

d I did notice not even a drop was left on her plate. I had Warm Chocolate Pudding with Armagnac Poached Prunes and Dark Chocolate Sauce..hmmmm, and the absolute winner of the day was the Rasberry Souff

le with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. They were carried into the room in all their bouffant glory, then placed lovingly on the table (so as not to deflate them), then the rasberry coulis was poured into the centre of the souffle while we all salivated in anticipation. Not a WORD was spoken from the souffle crowd until their plates were clean. With such a group of talkers amongst us, this was by no means an easy feat! Coffees and Teas all round, then back to work, totally full and happy. To leave, we once again walked through the quiet of the dining room, only one large group remained, and we were cheerily waved off by the chef in the open kitchen and other staff. What a surprise it was to have this type of restaurant nestled amongst the buildings. I just hope we have another occasion as an excuse to revisit soon! Found at 1-5 Railway Street / Cnr Help Street Chatswood, you just go up the escalators and find yourself at the front door. 9411 8233. Happi Eating!