Having only a week to prepare the birthday menu, the W wanted something different for her big event. Something different to our usual gathering of a sausage sizzle and salad. After pondering for days looking at websites and my fellow blogger sites for inspiration I decided to do a canape menu.
D1: Pink Lemonade
First off...drinks...The W loves the colour pink so what better than pink lemonade. Fresh lemon and lime juice with a dash of cranberry juice and topped with lemonade and ice. I wasn't sure about adding the fresh mint leaves so left them out. I wanted more of a pastel pink colour (like what they served to Uncle Max in the Sound of Music). It ended up more of a flamingo pink/red.
Anyhoo it was refreshing and quite a tasty concoction.
C1: Asparagus and Prosciutto stack with Balsamic Reduction
This ended up being quite simple to construct - asparagus spears cut into three and wrapped in prosciutto. At first I had trouble separating the paper-thin sheets of cured goodness and thought I'd never get a whole piece intact. The up-side to this was that I got to make sure each slice tasted
ok by munching on the torn bits (
nom nom nom!!) - You can't let good prosciutto go to waste ;-)
The Balsamic reduction was another adventure...Reducing two thirds (250
mls) of Balsamic vinegar reduced me to tears...literally. The vapours coming out of this small simmering pot were toxic, plus, the whole house smelled like dog sweat for about 20
It all turned out well... and tasted good too!! I decided to serve it on Chinese soup spoons to avoid any balsamic food fights and dribbles :)
C2: Homemade Lamb & Mint Mini Shepherds Pies
What an awesome idea...lamb with the mint already infused together (forget the mint jelly). Fresh lamb mince, fresh mint leaves, tomato paste beef stock all wrapped in a short crust pastry casing and topped with a mashed potato lid. For some reason I misread the recipe and instead of making "mini" pies, mine ended up in muffin tins and lets say it was bigger than your average "bite".
C3: Chicken "Phoenix" Gow GeesAgain another
chinese soup spoon canape - I love this way of serving canapes!!
The W and I spent the night wrapping these in front of Grey's Anatomy. Chicken mince, shallots, water chestnuts,
shitake mushrooms and peanuts mixed together in
Hoisin sauce.
These were wrapped in
gow gee wrappers in the traditional half-moon "
gok". We left some of the mixture without peanuts (for the nut conscious) and wrapped them in money-bag style.
Dressing for these babies was Japanese light soy mixed with
Sambel Olek.
Only issue I had with the soup spoons was that I didn't calculate the fact that the
gow gees would swell so they didn't exactly fit in the spoons. Oh, and by the time I came round to taking a picture of our creations, they were all gone. :( I did manage to eat one though :)
C4: Mini Prosciutto Bruschetta
The W wanted to stop me eating all the torn off bits of prosciutto from the asparagus stacks so we added the left overs on these mini bites.... She also thought that making everything miniature would be cute. Mini toast, cherry tomatoes (unfortunately I couldn't find any miniature garlic, red onions or basil - but I chopped them up really fine so they looked miniature - he he he!!). The cherry tomatoes gave a surprisingly sweeter taste to a normal
bruschetta made with Roma tomatoes.
C5: Nacho StacksThis was one of our first failures...One, was that we couldn't find
Dorito Dippas - do you remember them?? they were made of white corn and were round (like
Pringles) in shape made specifically for dipping into salsa - well we couldn't find them anywhere.
We resorted to using normal corn chips and hoped that the pack we bought would have full shaped triangles intact. Second road block which stuffed the whole dish up, was that the avocados I bought were firm on the outside and rotten on the inside -
bleah!! I still attempted to make the guacamole mixture, but after the first taste it was in the bin - the avocado was too hard and woody.
Anyway, the idea behind the Nacho Stack was basically have all the nacho ingredients all on a bite-sized
corn chip. Corn chip spread with
re fried beans and Mexican spices, guacamole mixture on top with a slice of cherry tomato, basil leave and topped with sour cream. Oh well...R.I.P Nacho Stack.
C6: Peking Duck with pancakes

A last minute replacement for the Nacho Stacks. Mama and Papa Bear both helped out with this one. Momma Bear lined up at the Chinese butchers to get the fresh roast duck and Papa Bear happily helped carve up the succulence of
quacko. The rest of us help make it disappear - in o

Served with
Hoisin sauce, shallots, cucumber all wrapped in mini pancake (I cheated and used
Naan bread cut in quarters), this dish didn't last long. Papa Bear wanted to savour the flavour and took the carcase home for roast duck
C7: Ginger, Chili and Garlic Soba Noodles
Of course served on
chinese soup spoons - he he!!. I love
soba noodles, just so Japanese and the buckwheat makes them taste different to ordinary instant noodles - almost healthier. This dish nearly fell into strife too!! The recipe had measurements for all the ingredients.... for the dressing. The only problem is that is didn't say how many noodles it dresses. I ended up using the whole pack only to find out the next morning that...you guessed it...there wasn't enough dressing for all the noodles. A little more soy and a touch of sesame oil save this dish. I never was a big fan of ginger but am beginning to appreciate it when you get subtle hits of ginger-zing in a dish like this. It was also fun twirling the noodles into the soup spoon - twirling twirling always twirling - ha ha ha !!
M1: BBQ Ribs
There are so many recipes out there on how to marinate ribs.
From using lemons, blueberries, cranberries, beers and ciders to - you name it!
This attempt I was going in blind...I had lost my previous recipe and was shot for time. I used cider vinegar, brown sugar,
Hoisin sauce, BBQ sauce, garlic, honey and
tabasco sauce. Didn't go as well as I expected, I think I over did it with the cider. When I tried to compensate the excess cider with honey, the ribs burnt faster which made them lose their
bbq juiciness....still tasted
M2: Chorizo & Oregano Meatball Skewers
Another probable disaster waiting to explode during my time of catering glory. Making these tasty skewers was a cinch. Alternating a slice of
Choizo sausage and an oregano meat ball on the skewer. The problem arose when I tried to
bbq them...the meatballs were falling apart and sticking to the grill -
arrgh!! Thankfully good old
Lobo used his noggin and
unthreaded them all and pan fried them instead. So instead of skewers we offered them on toothpicks - but by this time everyone was mostly full and waiting for dessert...
mmmm leftovers!! Oh, probably should have wiped the plate of it's greasy-goodness for the photo :)
M3: Afghan pizzasDue to everyone suffering from "too much canapes make full stomach". I skipped the Afghan pizzas. I found these one day at the markets, 2 x huge (probably around 12-14" in diameter) discs of what looks like something between
naan bread and
lebanese bread. I recall finding them previously in the shape of surfboards (I wanted to use them as the table runner), but couldn't find them again and settled for the round shape. The W and I had it for dinner the other night with leftover
chorizo, prosciutto, cherry tomato, mushroom and cheese.
Lobo took the other one home which I hope he enjoyed it as much as we did -
nom nom nom!!
D1: "No Filler" Fruit SaladThe W's Mama Bear made the best fruit salad. She calls it The Fruit Salad with "No Fillers". Basically the "fillers" are fruit like
rockmelon, honeydew etc...the ones that I don't particularly like, that are used only to bulk up the fruit salad. Well this one had no "fillers" instead it was replaced with blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and huge
cherrys. I think a bit of
passionfruit would have made it the Ultimate Fruit Salad -
Yay for No Fillers!!
D2: BaklavaEven if you were stuffed to the brim and you couldn't think of food for the next week, who could go past baklava. Thin layers of filo pastry in a variety of shapes with filling of pistachio nuts, peanuts and soaked in a rosewater honey syrup - just the word baklava makes me drool! The W's Mama Bear stepped up on this one for us as well, by picking them up at Granville. I could only go two due to the sweetness, but as we ordered 2kg of these sweet delicate morsels they were given homes to some in the form of doggy bags. In my opinion, they actually taste better frozen, and slightly thawed :)
D3: Sweet sweet Birthday butter cupcakesAnd finally the moment of the day...The birthday cake. I've finally picked up on the whole cupcake fad that's going around. Boutique cupcake stalls are opening up everywhere, you can even take lessons on baking them.
I found a small (walked past the store 4 times before I found it) store in
Drummoyne that specialised in event cupcakes. They sold 3 different types of cupcakes, standard - which are butter cakes with frosting of choice and decorations, mini - smaller bite-sized cupcakes, and Indulgent. All were beautifully decorated with a mixture of assorted sugar flowers and silver balls. The Indulgent cupcakes had either
Lindt or
Ferrero Rocher. The minis (for the weight conscious) had sugar butterflies - All very tasty, but too much frosting for my liking.
Till the next time.....we eat!!