Wow, we are in December already, so many yummy things have been tried and re-tried in November. I wanted to do a foodies gift guide for Christmas, but am not yet organised enough for that, so to kick off the list, my number one thing for November was my EUMUNDI MARKETS M

ACADAMIA COFFEE! Lucky for me, my lovely neighbour was holidaying in Noosa and when I realised she was heading for Eu

mundi markets, I got straight on the phone to ask her to find the coffee. Many MANY years ago, the husband and I were honeymooning in Hawaii, and came across some Kona Macadamia Coffee there. We came home with quite a few bags, and once they ran out, we were quite sad. About a year later, after coffee supplies had run out and the flavou

r was just a distant memory, we also holidayed in Noosa and did a trip to Eumundi. There was a local grower with all so

rts of varieties inludin

g Macadamia! Once again, we headed home with the suitcase full of coffee, but this time we also had the email so we could have it sent to Sydney. Over the years, we dropped off ordering, and so it was an absolute blast from the past when we had the opportunity to try it again. The same grower, same flavour, GREAT COFFEE. You can order it direct on 07 5472 7235 through Coffee-Market Direct / Yandina QLD. Second on the list this month was a 1 litre tub of La Creme GREEN TEA ICE CREAM from our local Asian grocer I first had this many, many MANY years ago at a Japanese restaurant (and have had it many times since), but its lovely to have a tub at home for a refreshing flavour burst on a hot summer night. Not too sweet, but packs a flavour. About $10 a litre, it's not cheap, but a certainly a nice treat. Number three is the FANTASTIC HONEY I picked up direct from the Bee-Keeper roadside at Galston. John Donvito, from Kunghur (Northern Rivers NSW), keeps bees in a couple of locations, including Blue Mountains and near Arcadia, when he has some stock to sell, he sets up a roadside stall until its all sold. When I met him, he had 1kg jars for $10 a pop. He also has smaller jars with natural honeycomb in them for $4.50, and some candied honey for those who like it. Coming from a family of ho

ney lovers, I bought two 1kg bottles, one deep in colour (wish I could find the piece of paper I wrote down which honey it was), and one light in colour, then two of the honeycomb jars. They make great gifts and you can eat the honeycomb. Although, at the rate we are getting through it, there may be none to give! John can be contacted on 0408 476 965 if you would like to know where he is next setting up shop. He can't sit roadside for too long as he needs to tend to his bees. We had a great chat, he's really animated about explaining the varieties and qualities of honey. Fourth this month is the teeny tiny, PENDLETON ES

TATE WILD OLIVES from Thomas Dux. The lad's latest fancy is for olives. He loves trying new varieties, and when at the Thomas Dux charcuterie I noticed some lovely little olives, and thought he would like to try them for a change. They were mild in flavour, easy to eat, and were a great hit with him, and the husband as a treat. Fifth is the mixed KOREAN VEGETABLES...don't really know what they are (note to self..need more research...Ya Ya...HEEELLLPPPP!), but they are very delicious. I haven't had a chance to question the shopkeeper, she was busy when serving me last time so I'll find out for next..but they were all a little different and great

with the wagyu steak I also bought from her. SIX, fresh, tree-picked peaches from the two stereotypical farmers on the side of the road at Dural. I drove up to the makeshift stall, and found the two men, in overalls, check shirts, wide brim hats, working under their table top truck. As I walked up to say hello, I gave them a start, and the one under the truck lifted his head, banged it fully on the underside

of the car, comedy style, and then they both scurried to me and sold me some yummy, jui

cy, peaches fresh from the orchard. They didn't have plastic bags, so we scrabbled through the boot to find something suitable, and they still had the leaves on them. Much more satisfying than the hard, store bought ones I had the week before. I haven't seen those two guys again since though. SEVEN, these natty kids training chopsticks I found at a Chatswood homewears stall. My kids have tried the regular chopsticks, and have both been frustrated by their efforts and given up and used forks. I had seen the

se in a magazine, and tried to find them. It took me a while, and I actually found them when I was looking for a horse-shaped cookie cutter (anyone w

ho knows where I can get one in Sydney..please let me know?). I was very pleased, bought two sets, I think they were aroun

d $10 each, but when I pulled them out at dinner time, the children were so excited and best of all, they were really easy to use! I got two cute pairs, a horse, and a goat, there was a sheep too, so very cute and fun. EIGHT is my very inexpensive, but very cute looking cupcake wrapping paper from "top dollar" and "hot dollar" stores. $1.00 a sheet, with matching cards, also $1.00. They are fun, cute and suitable for young and old. Lickable cupcake prints...I LOVE THEM. NINE is theme cakes, not just for kids. With the firstborn's obsession with all things horsie, I threw out the word for the cookie cutters and was delighted to be presented with a set of two horse-shaped cake tins from IDEA. $24 for the set, they were greatly appreciated and we did a test run of them for a friends bbq. The kids lik

ed the shape, but I need to hone the decorations for next time. I have some halloween fairy floss in a tub for the next time to use as a tail and mane. We had fun, it all looked cute. The little tin didn't work as well, so I may just use THAT as a cookie cutter. Will try that soon. Another theme cake I made for fun, was for a friend

s birthday. I had a Varden tin left over from the firstborns Barbie cake a few years back, and decided to do a Priscilla inspired cake with a boy dolly and a big puffy skirt. I had it all planned, with pink marshmallows for the bra, and a hat with feathers, but when it came to putting "Ken" into his skirt, he was too tall! Obviously, he's much taller than Barbie, so he only got a leg in. I had to change him to a maracca swinging, scantily clad man jumping out of a cake! It was fun to make, fun to eat, and caused great hilarity in the office for the recipient. TEN was the baby-cino served to the lad at Savvy Coffee. Usually servied with marshmallows, but as he isn't a fan, they re-jigged it to included sprinkles. Cute as. All good fun...loved this month. Happi eating one and all!
Love your list! I also love the horse and its nutrigrain shoes, such a clever cake decorator! I can almost smell the peaches from here!
ReplyDeleteHehe I contemplated buying that Ikea cake mold but realised that errm I don't have any kids! :P The story about the peach sellers does sound rather comical! :)
ReplyDeleteNQN..don't let the no-kids thing stop you..who know's WHEN you might just need a horsie cake..Melbourne Cup lunch?
ReplyDeleteYY : yep, those peaches were yum yum!
Great list! Love that green tea ice cream, so yum.
ReplyDeleteLove your list! Can't wait to find some Green Tea ice cream to try. And there is nothing quite like a freshly picked peach…mmmmm, so good! Love the maraca swinging Ken cake, what a giggle. And good to know that Savvy coffee at Asquith is still there. Looking forward to your next list ; ) Alison